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类型:大陆综艺 地区:中国大陆 年份:2023 
电影故事述说政治家为了本身的利益,企图引发战争。但这些计谋被特种部队所发现,而身在其中的就是David Wolfe。他必须带领有军训经验的特种部队,利用各种方法制止这场战争的发生,除了智利,他们也必须要拥有相当的战斗能力,因为他们发现他们要对付的对手,也不是泛泛之辈。其中慢慢他们解开原来美国政府也有牵连。After amusements working in a restaurant, Charlie uses his lunch break to go roller skating. Mr. Stout makes advances toward the unwilling Edna (whose father and Mrs. Stout had earlier carried on in the restaurant). After a roller skate ballet, Charlie (now as Sir Cecil Seltzer) is invited to a party at Edna's. All the"couples", including a new partner for Mr. Stout. show up.